Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Underclassmen

We start the underclasses with the Greatest Class of All, mine.

And then there were those in Junior High.

And of course, the Elementary students.

Next up, will be the 'Athletics' section.
Although that may be a couple of days out.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Seniors

Do you notice the long-haired hippy freaks?

I didn't think so.

Coming soon:

Monday, January 29, 2007

Administration and Staff.

So Now we are in the inside proper.
(I thought I would put my comments in as close as I could find to the old ROYAL BLUE.)

These next 2 pages are facing each other in the book.

That sure was a lot of facuty!

Well so much for today, next up will be the senior class!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Inside the cover.

There it is the cover. Inside the cover were pics of the top stories of late '69,-early '70. Here are the front on cover liners:

As you can probably see, I am trying to do this with a flatbed, and without disassembling the book. I am going to go and try to get a little better setup in hopes of making this a bit better homage to this wonderful annual.